Ancient Coptic Christianity for Southern Colorado

Worshiping in Prayer

Welcome to St Mary and St Athanasius Coptic Orthodox Church

Serving the Southern Colorado community we invite you to join us for our regular liturgy service and work with us to grow and reach Southern Colorado

Our Church has been blessed by the Patriarch of Alexandria Pope Tawadros II, to grow and serve. We are in fellowship with St Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Church of Denver.

Bible Reading

Study the Bible with us with the understanding of the early church.


We pray and worship Jesus Christ. Come and encounter Christ in His Church

Helping Poor

Join with us as we demonstrate our faith throughout the community.

Our Community

We are an Egyptian Church founded by St Mark, as in Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. We welcome all to come and share our experience in Christ

Upcoming Events

As we grow we hope to add lots of events to build community and grow in Christ together.


Food for Spirit